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Enrollment Information

Now enrolling ALL students in grades TK-5


For the current school year 2020-2021 enrollment go to for the online enrollment option.  



What can you do now to get ready?

1. Check to make sure Chandler is your school of residence. You can do this by going to and click Find a School. Then click School Search. Once you are there enter your home address and it will confirm your school of residence.


2.  Gather the ORIGINALS of the following documents:


  • The most current LADWP or Gas Company bill with the Parent's name on it. For paperless billing you can email it to and we will print it for you. There will be no exceptions.

  • Driver's License or California I.D. with current address.

  • Birth Certificate (for each child enrolling)

  • Immunization Card (for each child enrolling)





Before you begin this application process enter your current address in the Resident School Finder

Yay! Your Enrolled...Now what?

We've put together some tips and resources for you, and we're working on planning some fun summer events to give you a chance to meet your new community!  

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